Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Should Be So Lucky......

Lucky, Lucky, Lucky.......

A friend visited me today, and handed me a small cardboard box as she walked in, saying "I thought you might like these, they're no good sitting there doing nothing in my loft, I know you'll love them more than I will".  Imagine the high pitched squealing noise I made when there was not one, but TWO Emma Bridgewater Dollies Tea Sets nestled in bubble wrap inside the box.

One Black Toast & Marmalade, the other Blue Stars.  She insisted that I should have them, to take care and drool over them every day ! On the rare occasion that they come up on Ebay, I sit wondering if my other half will notice if I blow the month's grocery budget on one !  Needless to say, the 2 sets are now taking pride of place on the dresser.  Thanks Angie ! x

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Has Sprung !

I'll never believe how there can be such gorgeous, jolly colours as this bursting up through the grass whilst the rest of the garden remains, drab, brown and damp. But then again, doesn't everything look brighter in an Emma Bridgewater Polka Dot Measuring Jug ?!