Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Crocheted Remembrance Poppies 2011

Well, what a blur the past 2 weeks have been in our house !  It's been a sea of red yarn, ziplock bags, buttons, glue, Ebay orders and envelopes......

But well worth all the effort and mess, as I am EXTREMELY proud to be able to say that we have the grand total of £2000 from the sale of our Crocheted Remembrance Poppies, to be split equally between The Royal British Legion and Help for Heroes. 

Thank you to everybody who bought poppies.  And of course a big thanks to my Mum who helped to make them, sisters that helped to trim, glue, pack and post them and Shay who put up with the "makeshift poppy factory" taking over most of the downstairs of the house !

The image above is one of the designs for next year, with a slightly bigger, sparklier button than this year.  I'm also going to make some with a plain black wool centre, as some of the chaps I have spoken to aren't so keen on the bling !!  Any other ideas welcome, so do drop me a line if you would like to see them bigger, smaller, sparlier or whatever.

I've been asked by loads of people if they can still buy them - the answer at this point is unfortunately no, as I don't have the time, materials or resources to make them all year round (I work full time).  However, if I do decide to make a few more over the dark winter nights, I will relist them on Ebay and will put an update on this blog and also on our Facebook site here 

I am also looking for volunteers to help make the poppies for next year.  I could have sold many hundreds more this year if I had the time to make them, so if you can crochet (or know anyone who can) and would like to help, please, please get in touch.  Sirdar have very kindly donated 20 balls of the yarn (Rocking Horse Red!), which arrived this morning so I will send the yarn to any volunteers, along with the pattern.

So that's it for now.  I'm off for a well earned rest, and I know that my poor little wizened fingers will appreciate it......


  1. Hello

    I have just read your blog and would be more than willing to help make poppies. I currently knit baby garments to sellin the local hospice charity shop but am more than willing to help out.

    If you would like me to provide a sample I will gladly make a few so you can test me out!!! Lol

    My other thoughts are how do you send the poppies out? If you use a small padded envelope I have quite a supply which I an willing to pass onto you .

    Hope to here from you


    1. Hi Joy. Thanks for your kind offer of help. Would you still like to volunteer this year ? Cath xx
