Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Bright and Sunny Weekend

Well, can you believe this gorgeous weather we have been enjoying lately ?  We spent all weekend in the garden, alternating between working hard and lazing in the sunshine.  The cherry and apple blossom are such a lovely sight against the bright blue spring sky.

The chickens are absolutely loving it, dustbathing under the trees and generally strutting around.  The memory of them huddled together, freezing cold in -15 degree temperatures seems so long ago.  They're laying well again now, so we are getting 8 eggs a day from 11 hens, not too bad at all.  Sorry for the poor photo of them, it's hard to get them to pose for a photo all at once !

Also, we went to the Emma Bridgewater Factory Shop in Hanley, and picked up one of the 200 limited edition Royal Wedding Teapots featured here.  Mum and I will certainly be enjoying afternoon tea from this little beauty on the 29th !

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